Historic People's Community Church
A Thriving Congregation in Detroit, Michigan
​​In May 1954, twenty-one dreamers met in the home of Mrs.Gertrude Banks with one common purpose and desire, to materialize their dream of establishing a church where they could secure spiritual nourishment for their souls in harmony and in love. Calling themselves, "The Pathfinders" they set out to enlist others who felt the growing urge for real opportunity, to serve their maker through service to their fellowman.After membership reached the 300 mark, and realizing the need for a good, "Shepherd", they sought and secured the leadership of Rev. Carlyle Fielding Stewart. Thus, The People's Community Church was born.

Our History
In May 1954, twenty-one dreamers met in the home of Mrs.Gertrude Banks with one common purpose and desire, to materialize their dream of establishing a church where they could secure spiritual nourishment for their souls in harmony and in love. Calling themselves, "The Pathfinders" they set out to enlist others who felt the growing urge for real opportunity, to serve their maker through service to their fellowman.
After membership reached the 300 mark, and realizing the need for a good, "Shepherd", they sought and secured the leadership of Rev. Carlyle Fielding Stewart. Thus, The People's Community Church was born.

We Believe...
That the Bible is the word of God given by divine inspiration;
In the Holy Trinity- God the father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit;
In the reality of sin and the need for salvation; salvation is made possible through Jesus Christ;
That Jesus Christ is our Personal Savior and that He indwells us to live "new lives" through the power of his Holy Spirit; Jesus Christ is our Savior and our example
The Church is the Spirit-led community of believers in Jesus Christ; it is the
community of believers who have accepted Christ's call to a new life of discipleship;
That eternal life begins the moment we truly accept Jesus Christ as the
Lord and Savior of our lives and become new persons in Him; as Lord he calls us to spiritual growth as Savior he calls us to witness to the power of his Eternal love;
In the reality of Satan and Hell, and in the power of Jesus Christ in our lives to overcome the adversary and to save us from eternal punishment and death;
In Baptism by Immersion and Sprinkling, Christening and Dedication of
Children, and the celebration of Holy Communion;
That our life together should be characterized by humility, kindness,
patience, integrity, understanding and the joy of the love of God revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord;
That the Church is the corporate community of believers who represent and reflect the person and program of Jesus Christ.
Adopted: Annual Church Conference, Detroit, Michigan, January 27, 1997